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TekThing 74: Travel Tools That Work! GTX 1070 GPU FTW, Brute Force Attacks, Cell Phone Cancer FUD, Trains Rule!

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3 Best Things From Japan...
High tech trains everywhere that run on time, and the Shinkansen is amazing! Suica and Pasmo NFC cards (The Suica Reader is great for Android users!), and EVERYTHING IS AUTOMATED. Find out more in the video! 

Most Useful Travel Tools... 
How well did Google Fi, T-Mobile, Google Maps, the Google Translate app and the
HooToo TripMate Titan Wireless Router and Battery work overseas
10 Core CPU??? 
ZOMG, tons of hi-po gear is coming out of Comptex... Intel's got a 10 Core i7-6950X Broadwell, and the new Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 is sweet, Asus has a $599 robot that doesn't suck, and Nvidia's GeForce GTX 1080 8GB & 1070 8GB pretty much redefine what you can get for a $379/$599 GPU.

Can Headphones Cause Cancer? 
Pat writes, "Got a question for you. With how safe cell phones are ,in the news again , I've read a few things saying wired headphones bring radiation right to your head. Others say no. Others say use a ferrite bead and you will be fine. What is your take on this?" We talk ferrite beads, how common cancer is, why that National Toxicology Program is mostly FUD(Props to Ars Technica for a great analysis of the study!), and why Physics Profs say "Fear the Sun!" 

Brute Force Attacks on Passwords
Clive says " Just wanted your views on brute force attacks on our passwords." We explain how brute force attacks are usually done, how long they take, why (and when) they might not take very long, why starting your password with the letter G might slow things down, why LONG passwords really slow them down (and non-ASCII characters stop 'em), and quite a bit more in the video! 

Earbuds for Sweat & Excercise!
Blake sent in a tip, "For those who are active, my Triathlete friends and I swear by the Bose SoundTrue and SoundSport family of ear buds. They sound great, and actually stay in place better than any other earbud we've found (even better than things like Yurbuds, where the silicon "enhancers" fall off).


Give 1Password Another Look!
Ron writes, "Thanks for doing the shows on passwords and 2FA. I think you should give 1Password another look. With standalone using local or cloud based storage (like Dropbox, for sharing across multiple devices) and Teams/Families providing their own cloud storage and password sharing, there's a lot of flexibility. And both provide the Google Authenticator compatible codes right there in your password entry. I've been using standalone 1Password on Mac, iOS, and Android for some time, and recently converted to 1Password for Families. My wife and I can share information on bank accounts, credit cards, sites we shop, etc. And we are in the process of setting up a "family member" for the executor of our wills, so he/she will have access to the accounts that are relevant to their work when it becomes necessary." Thanks Ron! 

Do Something Analog! 
Once in awhile... put down the phone, step away from the screen, close the laptop... and do something analog, like visit a shrine!