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New Google AI Kits! ATSC 3.0 Explained, Grillbot Grill Scrubber, TrailKeg, Best Digital Thermometer! -- TekThing 173

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New Google DIY AI Kits! Google launches updated DIY kits for AI voice & vision w/ edu focus, available at Target.” Target?!? Both the AIY Voice Kit v2 and AIY Voice Kit v1.1 include a Raspberry Pi Zero WH and pre-provisioned SD card to make getting your AI on easier. Deets are at developers.googleblog.com! (You can sign up to find out when they they ship at aiyprojects.withgoogle.com) (Is Target the new Radio Shack???)
Grillbot Automatic Grill Scrubber Is Grillbot's tiny barbecue grill cleaner worth the $90 price tag? Does it really leave your grill clean and ready to go??? Watch the video for our review and to see the Grillbot in action! 
TrailKeg Pressurized Growler You love getting growlers from your local brew pub, but they go flat in 24 hours. And they don't stay cold. Enter TrailKeg's Pressurized Growler, which adds a tab and a C02 regulator to an insulated gallon growler. Does it keep liquids cold for 24 hours and fizzy for days???? Watch the video! (BTW, you might be able to use TrailKeg's lid with the growler you already own!)
Best Digital Meat Thermometer There are amazing folks that can time steaks with a clock or their eyeballs... but that isn't us. ThermoWorks Thermapen Mk4 is the gold standard of digital thermometers for the grill and kitchen, but it costs $100. We've been using the $25 Lavatools PT12 Javelin for years... but The Wirecutter just turned us on to ThermoWorks ThermoPop, and it might be our new favorite. Find out why in the video!
Coleman 70-Quart Xtreme Cooler Patrick's old cooler was a hot mess. (There's something wrong about heading to town to buy ice halfway through a 3 day weekend.) Coleman's 70-Quart Xtreme Cooler is a huge step up, and keeps ice cold for days! 
ATSC 3.0 Next Gen Broadcast TV Explained Last week's talk about TV antennas led to a bunch of questions about Advanced Television Systems Committee 3.0. That's the next gen broadcast TV standard. We discuss what it could do for you at home (and on your smartphone or tablet!), why broadcasters want it, if you'll need a new TV, tuner, or antenna, when you can expect it locally, and more in the video! 
Do Something Analog A bunch of our friends were out on a bike party bike ride last week... and during a break, one of them caught their foot on a cable, tumbled, and fractured their tibia. Which had us thinking... it can be a LONG time between dialing 911 and somebody showing up. So do something analog, find your local chapter of the Red Cross and get certified for CPR and First Aid. Learn a new skill. Save the life of somebody you love!
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