Photography Apps For Better Photos! Shure SE215 Earphone Review, Best Wire Cutter For Makers

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Android Photography Anthony asks "could you give some advice on the best settings or android apps to use for smartphone photography?" Sure! Shannon's got a ton of tips that'll work with iOS, too... let's talk VSCO, Snapseed, and Adobe's Lightroom photo apps, and gadgets like lenses in the video! 
Shure SE215 Review Can Shure's entry level in ear monitor, the SE215 Sound Isolating Earphones, replace 1MORE's Triple Driver as our favorite earbud under $100? Watch the video to find out... especially if you need in ear monitors that block background noise, or constantly trash headphone cables!!! (Earbuds around $25? Check The Wirecutter!)
Wire Cutters for Electronic Makers! JayLuigi tweets, "@patricknorton I can't remember the wire snippers you recommended heeeelp?👌" For most things? Channellock! But you probably saw us using Haako's CHP-170 Micro Soft Wire Cutter!
Blocking Facebook Photos You Don’t Want To See Lance asks, "how can we hide someone’s FaceBook photos from our eyes without stopping people who what to see them." We discuss your options, and Facebook Notification Settings, in the video. 
Search for Books and eBooks In Your Local Library! From the we had no idea department, You can now check for eBooks at your local library on Google Search! We demo how it works (and where you look for 'em) in the video! 
Do Something Analog Like Mark, who tells us about the Mayowood Mansion, picking apples, and "over 300 bushels (600 5-gallon pails) of black walnuts with our 4H club" in the video! Awesome! 
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