Nintendo Switch, Brave Browser Review, 1More Quad Driver, V-Moda Forza, Audeze iSine, Best Earbuds! -- TekThing 115

Nintendo Switch Battery Help, Brave Browser Review, 1More Quad Driver, V-Moda Forza, Audeze iSine, Best Earbuds!
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Ninteno Switch We've got Legend of Zelda™: Breath of the Wild, and a full review of Nintendo's new Switch home/mobile system in the video, including a tip on how to increase its battery life! Get one here. Interested in finding the best battery to charge while playing? Shannon's pick charges the Switch on-the-go! For cables, she uses this Anker USB one!
Best Earbuds! 1More's Triple Driver earbuds (via Amazon) are one of the best bargains in great audio we've heard... we review  1More's new Quad Driver In-Ear, V-Moda's Forza (via Amazon), and talk about the amazing Audeze iSine 10 and 20 in ear planar magnetic headphones in the video! 
Brave Browser Review Marcus writes, "Could you please review the Brave Browser on your show - are there any advantages over Chrome?" Absolutely! We talk about Brave browser's built in ad blocking and privacy features, the Brave Payment system, and why you might want to run it in the video! 
Is My VPN Safe??? Doug writes, "You have convinced me that having a VPN is necessary when using public WiFi. A few years ago, I bought a 3 year subscription to VPN Unlimited before a trip overseas. Have you heard anything about VPN Unlimited?  Is it one of the decent ones, or should I look elsewhere?" We discuss VPN Unlimited's features in the review, whether it works with Torrents, and why activists might want to look elsewhere (Props to TechRader for that one!) in  the video! 
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